Saturday, January 20, 2007

Mrs Henderson presents...

Ek het vanmiddag na 'Mrs Henderson presents...' gekyk. Die storie is gebaseer op ware gebeure voor en tydens WO II.

Dis ook die storie van die Windmill Theatre in die West End. The Windmill was die enigste teater wat dwarsdeur die oorlog oop gebly het. Dit was ook die eerste teater wat non-stop vertonings gehad het.

Hier is 'n stukkie van hulle geskiedenis.

The Windmill Theatre Opened on the 22nd of June 1931 with 'Inquest!' a play by Michael Barrington. The Theatre's capacity as a proper Theatre was 322.

This part of London has a rural history. A windmill stood here from the reign of Charles II until late in the eighteenth century. This gave its name to the footpath leading to the mill from Piccadilly at the top of the HayMarket over Windmill Fields. From here could be seen the towers of Westminster and its palace. Great Windmill Street now runs from Coventry Street (Piccadilly Circus) up to Brewer Street, crossing Shaftesbury Avenue. in 1910 a cinema, the Palais de Luxe, was opened at the corner of a block of buildings which included the Apollo and Lyric Theatres (see Nos. 5 and 21) at the point where Archer Street joins Great Windmill Street just off Shaftesbury Avenue. This cinema was one of the first of the little West End homes of the early films. With the rise of the large super-cinema, it descended the scale and its programmes consisted of foreign films and classics. The property came into the possession of Mrs Laura Henderson who, in association with Bernard Isaac and J. F. Watts Phillips (The Windmill Theatre Co, Ltd), converted it into a theatre. The general manager was Vivian Van Damm. The architect, Howard Jones, remodelled the exterior in the style of a traditional windmill and the interior was entirely reconstructed to become a one-tier theatre of miniature size.


The theatre opened on 22 June 1931 with a new play by Michael Barrington called Inquest!, with Mary Glynne, Hilda Trevelyan and Herbert Lomas in the cast. This was only a mild success and once again films were shown which included The Blue Angel and Sous les Toits de Paris. In December 1931 it was announced that a policy of nonstop variety would be tried. Mrs Henderson gave her manager Vivian Van Damm carte blanche to try and help the variety profession which had been hit by the coming of the 'talkies'.
On 3 February 1932 this innovation began and Revudeville was introduced, a programme of continuous non-stop
variety of a nature then new to London. The idea originated in Paris and proved most popular, drawing crowded audiences. The performances ran from 2.30 p.m. until 11 p.m.

During the first years the project lost £20,000, but the tide turned and the theatre became an established part of the London scene.

The Windmill was the only theatre in London which never closed, except for the twelve compulsory days between 4 and 16 September 1939, throughout the blitz, the performers often sleeping night after night in the theatre during the worst of the attacks from the air.
The death of Mrs Henderson in 1944 was a great loss to the Windmill, but it was announced that the policy of the theatre was to remain unchanged under the direction of Van Damm. After his death in December 1960 the theatre was carried on by his daughter Sheila, who had become his partner. Many famous comedians of today made their first impact here and a roll of honour was fixed to the exterior of the theatre. The full history of the venture has been told in To-Night and Every Night by Vivian Van Damm (1954).
The last edition of Revudeville was seen in 1964.

In October the theatre was sold to the Compton Cinema Group and it closed on 31 October 1964 and was reconstructed as a cinema and casino. In 1973 a campaign was started to revive 'The Old Windmill Days' and re-claim the theatre. Eventually, in February 1974, the theatre was bought by Paul Raymond, from Laurie Marsh, who transferred a 114 year lease to him.

Raymond announced his intention of making it a home for nude shows 'a la Revudeville but without the comic element'.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Die rand en die Britse pond en vakansie-begrotings

Ek het op nog 'n oulike webtuiste afgekom.

Smartsave ( gee jou aflaaibare afslagbewyse vir die meeste toeriste-aantreklikhede in London.

Ja, die pond is sterker as die rand en ja, die rand verswak nou effens, maar dit beteken nie dat mens nie 'n baie lekker vakansie in London kan hou nie.

Daar is baie spesiale aanbiedinge en BAIE gratis goed om te sien. Byna al die museums & gallerye (waaroor ek later sal skryf) is of gratis of het gratis periodes.

Samuel Johnson het geskryf: "Why, Sir, you find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

Bottomline? Daar is ALTYD iets om te doen in London en dit hoef nie eens duur te wees nie :-)

Ek gaan kuier!

Ek gaan in April by Pieter & Anca kuier. In die lig van die kuiertjie het ek weer meer aktief oor London en die omgewing begin lees.

Ek het op 'n baie oulike site afgekom - (ook onder die lys van links op hierdie blog) - waar jy staptoere heeltemal gratis kan aflaai in mp3 formaat.

Die gids se naam is Robert & hy woon in Kensington.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Kersfees is verby & die lewe gaan aan!

The Christmas tree at Trafalgar Square was shredded by Deputy Mayor Nicky Gavron and children from a green spaces scheme to urge Londoners to recycle waste (BBC News)

Britse nuwejaar :-)

Weather hampers New Year revelry (BBC 01/01/2007)

London's celebrations went ahead, with about 350,000 revellers Edinburgh's Hogmanay street party was among a string of events cancelled as bad weather hampered New Year's Eve celebrations across the UK.

A firework event in Newcastle was called off and one in Liverpool moved to 5 January, while in Belfast an outdoor concert was scrapped.

Glasgow's Hogmanay party was also cancelled due to the weather.

But in London around 350,000 revellers came out to watch a midnight fireworks display at the city's Eye attraction.

The Metropolitan Police - which had 3,200 officers on duty - said all viewing areas on the Thames were full. Fifty people were arrested.

Organisers of the annual London New Year's Day Parade due to take place later say it will go ahead.

Australian singer Kylie Minogue launched the British leg of her Showgirl Homecoming tour at Wembley Arena in London on New Year's Eve.

Gusts of wind in excess of 70mph had been predicted in northern parts of the UK.
Power in around 8,000 homes in lowland Scotland was also affected by the poor weather.
About 100,000 people in Edinburgh had to be make alternative plans after the official celebrations were cancelled.
A concert headlined by the Pet Shop Boys and Paolo Nutini had been planned.

Pyrotechnic display

Glasgow's cancelled event, in the city's George Square, had been expected to attract 25,000 revellers.

Also in Scotland, a party in Stirling was cancelled.

Belfast City Council said the decision to cancel its outdoor Rock the Hall concert, due to be broadcast live on BBC Radio 2, had been taken entirely because of safety reasons.
The Met Office had predicted gusts of up to 80mph in the city, a spokesman said.
The bands involved performed indoors without an audience.

Storms and high winds have caused accidents across the country this weekend.
On Saturday, Rebecca Smith, 18, died when a 60ft tree toppled in high winds on to a caravan in Cheadle, Staffordshire.

A house in Aghalee in County Armagh, Northern Ireland, was damaged on Saturday by what the Met Office believes was a tornado.

The New Year's Day parade in London begins at noon in Parliament Square and is expected to attract more than 400,000 spectators.

Event spokesman Dan Kirkby said: "We are here and we are going to have great fun."
DJ Fatboy Slim will host a New Year's Day party on Brighton beach.

TV puts Blair on trial 08/01/2007 15:56 - (SA) News24

TV puts Blair on trial08/01/2007 15:56 - (SA)

London - The British TV channel behind Death of a President- a drama in which US President Bush was assassinated - plans to broadcast a dramatisation of Prime Minister Tony Blair's retirement from office and the build-up to his trial on war crimes charges.

The Trial of Tony Blair, which airs on January 15 on Channel4 TV, takes place in 2010: Hillary Clinton is the new US president, and Gordon Brown, Blair's deputy, has taken over as prime minister.

But Blair is haunted by the continuing carnage in Iraq, and tormented by an obsession with his legacy so overpowering it blinds him to the looming threat of an indictment by the International Criminal Court.

Blair is played by respected British actor Robert Lindsay.

Channel 4, the broadcaster that operates the digital channel More4, said the show was a "comedy-drama," which would have light moments thrown in with darker ones. Still, the show's message was meant to be taken seriously, spokesperson Gavin Dawson said.
"Part of our remit is questioning authority," he said. "You want people to be provoked into thinking about the world around them."

Dawson said the show had been in the works before Death of a President generated enormous controversy - and buzz - for the station in Britain and abroad.
He denied any political motivation behind the choice of subject matter, although he acknowledged not everyone was likely to see it that way.

Powerful undercurrent of anger towards Blair

"It's a satirical drama, obviously it raises questions. ... I don't think the (US) Republicans will like it, but I think they should see it first," he said.

The feature-length show taps into a powerful undercurrent of anger many Britons feel toward the man who led their country into Iraq.

While it does not feature the actual trial - the show concludes with Blair flying off to defend himself at The Hague - it isn't the first time Britons have toyed with the idea of putting their political leader in the dock.

London's Tricycle Theatre is preparing a stage version of a Blair trial, using interviews with lawmakers, diplomats, international lawyers and UN officials as the basis for the dialogue.
Called to Account - The Indictment of Anthony Charles Lynton Blair for the Crime of Aggression against Iraq is due to premiere in April.

Investigation by the war crimes court

Not everyone has been content with simply pretending to indict the prime minister. Since 2003, a group of anti-war lawyers has repeatedly tried to have Blair and his foreign and defence ministers investigated by the war crimes court, each time without success.
Another attempt is planned for next April, said Legal Action Against War founder Chris Coverdale.

Alistair Beaton, who wrote the Channel 4 TV show, said he was not convinced his scenario was unrealistic.

"I gather Mr Blair is very concerned about his place in history. This film is my idea of where that place might be," Beaton said. "Whether it's fiction or prediction remains to be seen."
Blair's 10 Downing St office had no comment on the show. "We don't publicise other people's television programs," said a spokesperson, on condition of anonymity in keeping with the government's policy.

Beaton has previously written A Very Social Secretary, which lampooned an infamous affair by a member of Blair's Cabinet with his secretary.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

'n Vrouewag vir die Toring van London! (Beeld 4/1/2007)

Ná 5 eeue bewaak vrou Britse toringJan 03 2007 08:08:45:393PM - (SA)

Londen. - Besoekers kan binnekort ná meer as 500 jaar die eerste keer foto’s saam met ’n vroulike lyfwag by die Toring van Londen neem.

Dié vrou, wie se naam nog onbekend is, was een van ses aansoekers, waarvan vyf mans was, vir die pos. Die hellebaardiers by die Toring van Londen poseer daagliks vir tientalle foto’s saam met toeriste en werk as toergidse vir dié toeriste-aanloklikheid se sowat 2 miljoen besoekers jaarliks.

Die aanstelling van dié vrou is glo nie ’n foefie nie. Sy het bloot baie beter as die manlike aansoekers gevaar.

Die lyfwagte doen sedert 1485 diens ná koning Henry VII se oorwinning in Bosworth.
Hulle het oorspronklik die kroonjuwele en gevangenes opgepas.

Volgens The Sun is die nuwe rekruut aangestel, maar sy het nog nie haar kontrak onderteken nie. Sy sal na verwagting in die somer begin werk. – Joylene van Wyk