Thursday, April 20, 2006

St George's Day - 23 April

St George's Day word op 23 April gevier in Engeland. Dit is baie kontroversieel en klaarblyklik weet 25% van die Engelse nie eens waaroor dit gaan nie.

Hierdie stukkie propaganda som eintlik die meeste daarvan op:

"Scotland has St Andrew,Wales has St David,Ireland has St Patrickand England has St George. But how many people wear a red rose on St George's Day?How many even know the date of St Georges Day or that he has been England's Patron Saint since the 14th century
when he was so designated by Edward III? Is it not surprising that England,
claiming to be a Christian country, pays so little heed to her patron saint? To the extent that a Suffolk landlord applyingfor an extension of licensing hours for the celebration of St Patrick's and St George's Dayswas granted the former but refused the latter!There are indeed dragons still to be slain, and perhaps the dragon of indifference is the hardest to overcome. So let the red rose of Englandtake its place with the Thistle, the Daffodil and the Shamrock."


St George is is die heilige van Engeland. Hy het in 303 gesterf vir sy geloof en daar is baie mites oor hom. Hy sou onder andere 'n draak verslaan het.

Sy vlag (hierbo) is aangneem deur Richard the Lionheart en vorm deel van die Engelse vlag.

Hoe word St George's dag gevier? Dra 'n rooi roos (Engeland se nasionale blom) in jou knoopsgat! Maklik genoeg...

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